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The The Academy of Applied Myofunctional Sciences (AAMS) is an international non-profit NGO and membership association engaged in advancing research, standards, education, and public health initiatives in the area of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy worldwide.
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy has existed with various definition in many countries and for many decades. Only recently has it started to gain academic attention at the top levels of healthcare research. The AAMS leads the future of myofunctional therapy through global networking, “cross-pollination” of research and therapy methods applied to many health care areas, with the vision to bring this important field into becoming a standard of care.
Confirmed Speakers and Workshops
Emotions and Executive Functions: Integrating the Limbic System and the Prefrontal Cortex in Myofunctional Therapy.
Rakesh Bhattacharjee, MD | USA
• Pediatric OSA, OMT & Obesity.
• A Call for OMT in Pediatric Hospital Care for Early OSA & Craniofacial Intervention.
Esther Bianchini, PhD | Brazil
Different approaches of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) in OSA patients.
Workshop: Myofunctional therapy, TMD and EMG
Eyal Botzer, DMD | Israel
Restricted lingual frenum-surgery and management.
Workshop: Surgical Techniques for Infant Frenotomies. A Practical Workshop Including Live Surgeries.
Kevin Boyd, MSc | USA
Pre-industrial fetal and infant/early Childhood Craniofacial Growth and Development.
James Bronson, DDS, FBPI | USA
Myofunctional Therapy and Early Orthodontic Intervention: What Can Be Done for 0-3 & 4-7 Populations: ALF & OMT.
Marlei Braude Canterji, MBG, SLP | Brazil
OMT With Morbid Obesity and Bariatric Surgery: A New Standard of Care.
Linda D’Onofrio, MS, CCC-SLP | USA
Teaching Oromyofunction & Articulation to Special Populations.
Robert Corruccini, PhD | USA
Implications of the Human Evolutionary Past for Facial Myofunctional Variation.
Michelle Emanuel, OTR/L | USA
Bringing Myofunctional Therapy to Precrawling Babies: Optimizing Oral Function and Posture from the First Breath.
Melania Evangelisti, MD, PhD | Italy
Standardized myofunctional exercises in children with sleep disordered breathing.
Mariana Evans, DMD | USA
Evolution of facial form and function with 3D CBCT documentation: A call to action!
Patrick Fellus, MD | France
From suction deglutition to swallowing deglutition by cortical or subcortical networks.
Thierry Gouzland, PT, OMT
Anatomical and functional score of the oro-facial system : presentation and interest in an interdisciplinary team. Using an Application.
David Gozal MD and Leila Gozal MD | USA
Myofunctional Therapy: What we know and what we need to know for it to be a standard of care across medicine.
Diana Grandi MS, SLP
Protocol for Detection of Snoring and Sleep Disordered Breathing in Adults
Christian Guilleminault MD, PhD | USA
A Case for Myofunctional Therapy As A Standard of Care for Pediatric OSA.
William Hang, DDS | USA
AIRWAY-kening (TM) Orthodontic and Myofunctional Therapy.
Alison Hazelbaker, PhD, IBCLC | USA
The Faux tie: When is Tongue-tie NOT a tongue-tie?
Miho Imamura PhD DDS | Japan
Myofunctional orthodontic treatment with MFT for the long term stability.
Bridget Ingle, RN, RM, IBCLC | Australia
Applying Myofunctional Support for the Breastfeeding Dyad.
Triin Jagomagi, PhD, MSc | Estonia
An Ideal Allied Team Model for Orthodontic, Craniofacial, and OSA Intervention: OMT Centered Care.
Sharon Keenan, PhD | USA
Workshop: Sleep Disorder Bootcamp.
Umakanth Khatwa, MD | USA
Treatment Modalities For Obstructive Sleep Disordered Breathing in Children: Challenges and Gaps.
Lawrence Kotlow, DDS | USA
Merging of medicine and dentistry in treating infants and toddlers.
Larry Kotlow, DDS and Scott A. Siegel, MD, DDS, FACS, FICS, FAAP
Workshop: Treatment of Tethered oral tissues using lasers. A comparison of different wavelengths and which laser is best for your type of practice.
Lois Laynee, PhD | USA
Creating the Brightest Future for Midline Anomalies.
Stanley Liu, MD, DDS | USA
• The Stanford Surgical Algorithm: A Frenum Surgery Standard Of Care
• Myofunctional Therapy and Sleep Surgery: New Standards of Care for MMA & and Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation Surgeries
Darius Loghmanee, MD, FAAP, FAASM | USA
Moving Toward a Scalable Approach to Orofacial Myofunctional Screening and Treatment: Lessons from Population Sleep Health.
Derek Mahony, BDS, MscOrth | Australia
Eustachian Tube Disfunction and Tinnitus: A New Role for OMT.
Irene Marchesan, PhD SLP | Brazil
Application of myofunctional therapy in various fields of medicine.
Workshop: Restricted Lingual Frenum: Diagnosis and Management
Patrick McKeown, MA, BBE | Ireland.
The Critical Role of Myofunctional Therapy in Breathing: Performance Essentials.
Joy Moeller, RDH, BS | USA
• Myofunctional Approach for Children 0 to 5 years of Age.
• OMT & ENT Screening Tools: A Proposal for New Standards of Care in ENT Medicine.
Marc Moeller, BA | USA
Connecting Countries, Universities and Clinicians: Importance of Networking and Advocacy in Myofunctional Sciences.
Sharon Moore, BS | AUSTRALIA
Calling all Speech Pathologists: Sleep Disorders are in Your Face.
Maurice Ohayon, MD, PhD | USA
Myofunctional therapy and public health.
Judy Owens, MD | USA
Overview of Pediatric Sleep Related Breathing Disorders.
Maria Pia Villa, MD | Italy
• Frenum Evaluation in Children with and Without Sleep Disordered Breathing.
• Orthodontic treatment options and myofunctional therapy in children with SDB.
Barry Raphael, DDS | USA
Integrative Myofunctional Orthodontics: Mixed Modalities in Practice.
Nancy Rothstein, MBA | USA
Sleep: Essential for Health & Life.
Sabina Saccomanno, MD | Italy
• A Proposal for New Standards of Care in Orthodontics: Inclusion of OMT.
• Specific Myofunctional Therapy Protocol in Children with Down Syndrome.
Marisa Santos, DDS | Argentina
Early intervention in orofacial dysfunctions.
Ricardo Santos, PhD(c) | PORTUGAL
• New Protocols for the Screening of Myofunctional Disorders as Clinical Markers for OSA for SLPs.
• OMT within a larger public health context
Naurine Shaw, BDS, COM | Canada
Oral Muscle Dysfunction and Orthodontics.
Steven Sheldon, MD | USA
Biology of Adolescent Sleep: What if he’s not simply lazy?
Scott Siegel, MD, DDS, FACS
Treatment of Tethered oral tissues using lasers. A comparison of different wavelengths and which laser is best for your type of practice.
Valery Sinkus, PT | USA
Myofunctional Therapy, Frenum Release and Posture: The Critical Role of Fascia in OMT.
Corinne Thery-Dumeix, MD | France
Orthopedic treatment before the age of six on patients suffering from Sleep Disordered Breathing.
Marileda Tome, Phd, SLP | Brazil
Myofunctional Therapy as a Core Aspect of Speech Language Pathology.
Anastasia Vasileiu, DDS
Mouth Closed Campaign for Symmetrical and Healthy Children.
Pia Villanueva, PhD, DDS | Chile
Good Oral Habits Since Day One.
Heidi Widoff, RDH, COM | USA
Gingival Recession: Can Myofunctional Therapy make a difference?
Hideharu Yamaguchi, DDS | Japan
Malocclusion associated with abnormal Function and Habitual Posture- Researching for the clinical evidence.
Audrey Yoon, DDS, MS | USA
Ankyloglossia as a risk factor for maxillary hypoplasia.
Soroush Zaghi, MD | USA
• What is a “Sleep Surgeon”? How can I get the ENT’s or Oral Surgeons in my community to help my patients with sleep and frenulum disorders?
• Restrictive lingual frenulum as a phenotype for upper airway resistance syndrome and obstructive sleep apnea.
Our Symposia will include myofunctional therapy applied to:
• Sleep Disordered Breathing
• Orthognathic Surgery
• Craniofacial Growth & Development
• Genetics
• Orofacial Pain
• Public Health
• Orthodontic Intervention
• Frenum Surgery
• Fascia and Posture
• Obesity
• Orthognathic Surgery
• Craniofacial Growth & Development
• Genetics
• Orofacial Pain
• Public Health
• Orthodontic Intervention
• Frenum Surgery
• Fascia and Posture
• Obesity
If you have a poster that was accepted already by a poster evaluation commission at another medical or scientific event, or was awarded prizes or received an honorable mention, you are invited to share it with the attendees at the congress.
You do not need to attend the congress, just participate in the printing expense by paying a fee of $20 for a 70x100cm color poster.
• Posters will not be sent back.
• Posters will not count for CEUs.
• Send us a .pdf of the poster.
• Include title, authors, affiliation, credentials and an abstract in the email request.
Sponsorship descriptions and respective benefits.
The 2nd AAMS Congress & Hippocrates Gala offers a variety of sponsorship opportunities. From inclusive sponsorship packages to tote bags inserts, the Congress & Gala have several options to accommodate your visibility objectives, resources, & budget.

* The Sponsorship packet is a partial list of available sponsorship opportunities.
For more details about our various sponsorship packages, please contact
Marc Richard Moeller, AAMS Executive Director by sending him an email at [email protected] or call him at +1 310-382-7852
Sponsorship and exhibiting at the 2nd AAMS Congress & Hippocrates Gala gives you an opportunity to connect with your target audience, the academic community, the general public as well as allowing you to build networking relationships with interdisciplinary, allied health professionals and respective trade associations. You will be in the company of some of the world’s foremost researchers, teachers, and health professionals dedicated to helping individuals with orofacial myofunctional disorders, their families and those that support them. Your sponsorship will also help support structured advancement and training required to help thousands of people suffering from OMDs.
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Full Congress
Dentists, Orthodontists, Physician $625
Therapists (SLP, RDH, OT, PT Lactation Consultants, BBE etc) $395
Students (with ID) $250
Dentists, Orthodontists, Physicians | $350.00
Therapists (SLP, RDH, OT, BBE etc) | $250.00
Students (Identification Required) | $125.00