Marc Richard Moeller, Managing Director of the Academy of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (AOMT), and Executive Director and Founding Board Chair of the Academy of Applied Myofunctional Sciences (AAMS), has spoken on Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) in 28 countries to date and supported the facilitation of research, public health projects, clinical protocols, and curriculum development in OMT with over 50 universities, hospital groups, and governments around the world.
Marc is also a Director of Communications of the Stanford Sleep Epidemiology Research Center. Since 2011 Marc has been on a Public Health Committee of the Teste de Linguinha (Frenulum Insepction Protocol) organized out of Brazil that has helped medically validate frenulum inspection protocols for infants (Martinelli) and adolescents/adults (Marchesan) that has passed 18 laws (including a national law in Brazil effective since January 2015) requiring frenulum inspection at birth for newborns. Marc comes to the field of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy with extensive experience in sales and marketing strategy and management. Marc has spent the majority of his career working in business banking with experience in sales management, sales and marketing strategy, and integration of vertical business units across complimentary business lines. He has managed business banking units starting at Wells Fargo Bank while based in Los Angeles where he rose from an entry level business banking sales position to helping set strategy for the entire division. Based in London he was First Data Corporation’s Director of Sales for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, crafting and managing the credit card processing sales and marketing strategies of Halifax Bank of Scotland, and Lloyds TSB in the UK, and Deutsche PostBank in Germany. Based in New York as the North American Director of the JPMorgan Chase Merchant Services Business Banking unit, the company increased business by over 500% within two years. He has also worked in film production where he developed television series, documentaries, and feature films, based in London, Sao Paolo, Brazil, Shanghai, China, and New York City.
Marc has extensive experience as a senior executive in finance, building and bridging strategies across multinational financial conglomerates, specializing in joint-venture integration. He is fortunate to apply this experience as a public health advocate, building bridges in the interdisciplinary profession of OMT facilitating research and developing curricula.Who is Marc Moeller
He is a graduate of University of California, San Diego and is based in Los Angeles. Marc is an adjunct professor at the University of the Pacific Dugoni School of Dentistry where he lectures to dental students, orthodontic residents, and the dental sleep residency program. He is fluent in French, Spanish, and Portuguese, and conversational in Italian and Mandarin Chinese.
Partial List of Abstracts and Symposia Presented at Recent International
Scientific Meetings and Congresses:
April, 2018, Paris France
International Pediatric Sleep Association Congress, Symposium Chairman and Presenter: “Mouth Breathing, Craniofacial Morphology, and Myofunctional Therapy Intervention in Pediatric OSA.”
April, 2018, New Jersey, USA
New Jersey Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Chapter of American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Symposium, “Orofacial Myfounctional Therapy: Emerging Standards of Care Bringing Change to Pediatric Dentistry.”
March, 2018, Seoul Korea
Asian Society of Sleep Medicine Congress, Symposium Chair and Presenter: “Myofunctional Therapy as an Emerging Adjunct Treatment for Sleep Disordered Breathing;” “A survey of myofunctional therapy and sleep disorders.”
February, 2018, Montana, USA
Southwestern Society of Pediatric Dentistry Winter Meeting of American Academy of Pediatric Dentsitry, “Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy: Emerging Standards of Care in Sleep Medicine and Akyloglossia.”
January, 2018, Texas, USA
American Dental Hygiene Association Dallas Society CE Weekend symposium presenter, “Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy And Public Health”
November, 2017, New York, USA
Greater New York Dental Meeting, presenter, Airway Summit Symposium, “Myofunctional Therapy as a Critical Element of Sleep Medicine and Dentistry.”
October, 2017, Shanghai, China
Shanghai Children’s Hospital Annual Conference on Paediatric Pulmonology, presenter, “Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy as an Emerging Standard of Care In Sleep Medicine.”
October, 2017, Hong Kong SAR China
Hong Kong SAR China, Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy, Chair, “Comprehensive Introduction to Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy,” and “Breathing Re-education In Myofunctional Therapy.”
October, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic
World Congress of Sleep of the World Sleep Society, Symposium Chair and Presenter, “Myofunctional Therapy In Modification of the Upper Airway In Sleep Disordered Breathing,” Chair and presenter symposium: “Myofunctional therapy as an adjunct treatment for sleep disordered breathing: validation of screening tools and objective measurements of progress for an emerging standard of care,” and “Evaluation and measurements of a 12 week orofacial myofunctional therapy program for sleep disordered children,” and “Universal screening tools for allied health professionals and sleep specialists: Orofacial myofunctional disorders as clinical markers for OSA.”
August, 2017, Tallinn, Estonia
Estonian Dental Association Congress, presenter, “Survey of Treatment and Current Literature on Orofacial Myfounctional Therapy and Emerging Standards of Care in Sleep Medicine.”
March, 2017, Chicago, USA
Academy of Applied Myofunctional Sciences 2nd Congress, “Sleep Disordered Breathing, Craniofacial Growth And Development; Early Intervention And Patient Outcomes,” Congress Co-Chair, Symposium Chair, and Presenter, “Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders and Public Health,” “Connecting Countries, Universities and Clinicians: Importance of Networking and Advocacy in Myofunctional Sciences,” “Research Priorities in Myofunctional Therapy: Action in Rehabilitation, Dentistry, and Medicine.”
January, 2017, Colorado, USA
Southwestern Society of Pediatric Dentistry Winter Meeting of The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, presenter, “Myofunctional Therapy Changing Standards of Care in Dental Sleep Medicine.”
November, 2016, Tokyo, Japan
Japan Society for Oral Myofunctional Therapy, presenter, “Myofunctional Therapy and Sleep Disorders: Emerging Standards of Care.”
October, 2016, Singapore
Asian Pediatric Pulmonology Society Congress & Singaporean Pediatric and Perinetal Congress, symposium chair and presenter, Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy as an Emerging Standard of Care for Pediatric OSA.”
September, 2016, Santa Marta, Colombia
Latin American Conference on Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (ENCMOL), Round Table Chair, Presenter, “Myofunctional Therapy as an Agent of Change in Medicine: OMT and Sleep Disorders.”
March, 2016, Taipei, Taiwan
International Pediatric Sleep Association Congress, Chair and Presenter, “Pediatric SDB & Craniofacial Growth & Development: Myofunctional Therapy Intervention and Successful Patient Outcomes In An Allied Approach.”
January 2016, Bordeaux, France
Otorhinolaryngology Intitute Georges Portmann “12th Update In Sleep And Snoring & Academy of Applied Myofunctional Sciences Breaking News in Sleep Medicine, Snoring, Orthodontic Intervention and Myofunctional Therapy,” Co-Chair, panel discussion chair, and presenter, “Critical Trends In the Interdisciplinary Care of OSA.”
November, 2015, Havana, Cuba
International Stomatology Congress & International Functional Association Congress, presenter, “Myofunctional Therapy, Craniofacial Morphology, and Sleep Disordered Breathing.”
October, 2015, Salvador, Brazil
International Congress of Latin American Speech-Language Pathology Societies and Brazilian Speech Language Pathology Society Congress, award recipient (President’s Award In Recognition of Work Advancing Myofunctional Therapy Around the World) and presenter, “Myofunctional Therapy and Emerging Standards of Care in Medicine Worldwide.”
September, 2015, Los Angeles, USA
Academy of Applied Myofunctional Sciences 1st Congress, Co-Chair, moderator, and presenter, “A Myofunctional Mindset From Day 1: Prevention and Management of Orofacial and Nasopharyngeal Functions,” “Frenum Restriction & Assessment, Surgery, and Public Health Initiatives: A Discussion on the Need for New Medical Standards,” “A Call for Breathing Assessment and Re-education Across Health Disciplines Through Myofunctional Therapy Intervention,” “Sleep Disordered Breathing and Myofunctional Therapy: New Evidences and Calls for Standards of Care. Where do we go from here?”
April, 2015, Memphis, USA
National Black Association of Speech-Language and Hearing, presenter and symposium chair, “Myofunctional Therapy as an Emerging Standard of Care,” and “Screening for Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders as Clinical Markers for Obstructive Sleep Apnea.”
March, 2015, New York, USA
American Academy of Physiological Medicine and Dentistry, “The Foundations of Airway Health, Connecting the Dots,” presenter, “New Research for Myofunctional Therapy and Sleep Disordered Breathing.”