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a PDF format of the program & speaker’s list.
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Registration Fee: $330USD
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There will also be live presentations including August 1st Opening Ceremony, with kickoff panel.
100+ Speakers
9 tracks on demand
Featured live keynotes
Workshops, over the month of August.
August 29-30: Closing Ceremony, closing panel discussions by track, with live voting on position statements during panels.
Additional announcements will feature live further keynotes, workshops, and breakout sessions.
Each congress registrant will be able to build a “profile” and have an app they can download and be able to comment on individual presentations, symposia, events, and breakouts.
All sessions, recorded and live, living on for all congress registrants through the end of October. For our AAMS members, through the end of the year!

• We will have at least a 1/2 dozen workshops and breakouts scheduled across the month of August & September.
• On August 22nd at our 5th AAMS Hippocrates Gala (Virtual) we will celebrate lifetime achievements, profound contributions, and rising stars whose work and leadership have changed medicine and pave the way forward for future help for untold millions
• All presentations will be accessible on demand, available for comment, feedback, and interaction.
• All will be included for the same congress registration.
• Conference structure around gathering information and international collaboration to inform ideas for the formulation of internationally agreed position statements.
• To present the dynamism of the AAMS and the roles of all of the professional memberships represented in the group coming together and to complement each other’s work to meet the needs of patients so that patients are well supported and their quality of life can be improved. This will have far reaching benefits to the health of the nation.
• The work of the conference to feed into projects such as the First 1000 Days; FDI Vision 2020; Public Health Agendas Nationally and Internationally
Pediatric Orthodontic Intervention at the Earliest Age Possible: A Call for an International Pediatric Orthodontic Society (IPOS)
ARAGAO Wilson | Brazil
Intervention at 12 months of age using the HBTC_RFA method.
BANICA Ela | Romania
Healthy Breathing: Unlocking The Genetic Potential in Children by Guiding Facial Growth
BEN YOUNES-UZAN Carine | France
Early Treatment of maxillary hypoplasia. Why? How?
BERGEYRON Patrice | Switzerland
Where Form meets Function. Approaches to orthodontic Treatment in 3-6 year old
DEL GOBBO Wanda | Italy
PAGNONI Stefano | Italy
Delaire’s UNIVERSAL Mask: A new external anchorage device. First results for the treatment of class II malocclusions
FELLUS Patrick | France
An Innovative Approach for the Re-education of Orofacial Praxia the Passive Way
LACROIX Michael | France
Baby orthodontics the missing link. 0-3 years the missing link of occlusion through the first neurodevelopmental stages
THERRY Corrinne | France
Saggital, Transverse and Vertical Correction of Asymmetry up to age 6 years
LEE Justin | South Korea
Early intervention of Anterior cross bite
RAMIREZ German | Canada
Sleep and Breathing Disorders in Children: As a Dentist, I can Give Health to my Young Patients!
The 1st 1000 Days of Life: A Call To Radically Reimagine Prevention, Screening, & Care With Myofunctional Principles
Mouth Breathing and Myofunctional Therapy. + WORKSHOP August
EMANUEL Michelle | USA
Infant and Pediatric Myofunctional Therapy. The Urgency of Care means the Time has come.
FILLIOZAT Isabelle | France
The First 1000 Days of Life: A Call for Re-imagination of our Approach with a Focus on How Early Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy Could Chnage Parenting.
HIDEHIRO Abe | Japan
New pediatric orthodontics focusing on respiration
LEVRINI Luca | Italy
The Effect of Pacifiers on Developmental Breathing Patterns
CHAIR PERSON: First 1000 Days of Life
SPRUYT Karen | Belgium
Sleep and the Developing Child
WEISMANN Gina | Israel
Myofuntional Therapy in Infants
MACHOŚ Marzena Jadwiga | Poland
Tongue Tie – Diagnosis and Therapy in Infants
THORP-HOLMSEN Solveig | Norway
Tongue Tie – Breastfeeding and Beyond: A Call for New Standards of Care For Infant Screening and Treatment Based on Myofunctional Principles
O’CONNOR Tony | Ireland
Sleeping Like a Baby: The Health Benefits of Facial Growth Guidance and Orofacial Muscle Dysfunction Correction in Children
I Can Feed Myself: Why We Should Be Giving Babies Control Over Their Eating
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy & Orthodontics
Orthodontics Plus Myofunctional Therapy … Can 1 + 1 = 5?
BOYD Kevin | USA
Minor Malocclusions in Early Childhood (Under 71 Months Old) Predict Major Problems Beyond
HERMANN Gabor | Hungary
Early orthodontics or early functional intervention?The old debate from the new perspective Functional orthodontics meets functional medicine
IMAMURA Miho | Japan
Early use of Functional Orthodontics and Myofunctional Therapy for improved long term outcomes
MAHONY Derek | Australia
The crucial role of orthodontics in the multi-disciplinary treatment of pediatric OSAS
MARZO Giuseppe | Italy
Lessons Learned from the Application of Teleorthodontics during COVID-19
MEW John | UK
MEW Mike | UK
What, Why, How?
PIRELLI Paola | Italy
A revolution in the treatment of OSAS children: Rapid Maxillary Expansion
QUO Stacey | USA
Mouth Breathing and Craniofacial Morphology in OSA Pathogenesis: Orthodontic and Myofunctional Intervention with Regard to Nasal Breathing
SACCOMANO Sabina | Italy
A Case Report on the use of Telemedicine in the Multi-disciplinary evaluation of a patient with Eagles Syndrome
SANTOS Marisa | Argentina
The advantages of treating toddlers using an orthodontic approach alongside Myofunctional therapy to improve quality of life
THELLIEZ Emmanuel | France
Orthodontic and Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children
DE FELÍCIO Cláudia | Brazil
The Rehabilitation of Orofacial Functions: Why and how
MARZO Giuseppe | Italy
MANENTI Rebecca Jewel | Italy
Telemedicine: A Tool to Facilitate the Interaction Between Orthodontists and Speech-Language Pathologists in Myofunctional Therapy
GIANCASPRO Silvia | Italy
QUINZI Vincenzo | Italy
SACCOMANNO Sabina | Italy
The Contribution of Tele-orthodontics During Covid-19 For Respiratory Problem Caused by Narrow Palate
Breathing: Function & Dysfunction
An Integrative and Functional Approach to Nasal Breathing Rehabilitation.
McKEOWN Patrick | Ireland
Functional Breathing Training with Emphasis on sleep Disordered Beathing for the Pediatrics and Adults
MOYA DAZA Maria-Paz | Chile
Morphological and Functional Effects of Nasal Obstruction
Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art
Face and Airway Development
EVANS Mariana | USA
2020 Breathing Nasodiaphragmatically: Stories From the Road on the Walks to Wellness – Including Mine
Frenulum Inspection, Surgery, & Rehabilitation Across the Lifespan
BOTZER Eyal | Israel
• Wound Management following Frenotomy
• Lip Tie – What do we know about it?
EMANUEL Michelle | USA
Optimal Timing of Tongue Tie Release
GUZMAN Luis Ruiz | Spain
Public Health Benefits of Ankyloglossia Surgery in Primary Care: A Population Case Study in Barcelona
• Obstructive Sleep apnea in Infants and Toddlers
• Complications of untreated Tethered Oral Tissue and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
• Frenectomy Failure: How It Happens, How to Avoid It and What to do When it Happens Laser Assisted Therapeutic Release in Frenulum Surgery: A New Concept
• Laser Assisted Therapeutic Release in Frenulum Surgery: A New Concept
MARCHESAN Irene | Brazil
Speech Production and Ankyloglossia
MILLS Nikki | New Zealand
What is a Tongue Tie? Defining the Anatomy of the Lingual Frenulum
Oralase: New, Unique Technology and Science for a New Era of Myofunction
OLIVI Giovanni | Italy
Short Lingual Frenum: A Comprehensive Approach
ROGERS Katrina | UK
The Impact of Posterior Tongue-Tie on Swallow Function. What’s the Clinical Evidence? A Review of the Literature
ZAGHI Soroush | USA
Assessment of Posterior Tongue Mobility Using Lingual-Partal Suction: Progress Towards A Functional Definition of Ankyloglossia
GRANDI Diana | Spain
Incidence of altered lingual frenulum in adults with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Craniofacial Morphology & the Physical Body
BURGET Frankie | USA
Fascial Integrative Therapy a New Paradigm for Whole Body Healing
JOHNSON Virginia | USA
The Interrelationship of Tongue Position and Physical Posture
LALAUZE Roselyne | France
Is it Possible to Compensate for Growth Deficits Related to Major Craniofacial Syndromes in the Early Years of Life?
MINAEV Sergey | Russia
Three Dimensional Analysis of the Cervical Spine in Motion During Swallowing in Children with Malocclusion (Class II) and Adults with TMD Using an Ultrasound Based System.
MULLER-HAGEDORN Silvia | Germany
Functional Treatment in Patients with Pierre Robin Sequence
Measure twice, cut once: 6 keys to success from a “Whole Body” perspective
SATOH Mako Makoto | Japan
Evolution of Craniofacial Structure
STECCO Antonio | Italy
Pathophysiology of Fascia
BERRETIN-FELIX Giedre | Brazil
Orthofnathic Surgery: Myofunctional Approach
WENG CHEU Yue | Singapore
Wellness through the power of the tongue – TMD and Dental Sleep Medicine
A physical therapist’s role in early identification and treatment of oral airway health problems: A road map for Interdisciplinary care
Sleep & Myofunctional Therapy
Updates on sleep and Myofunctional Therapy from Brazil
BOYD Kevin | USA
Recurrent Sleep Related Breathing Disorder after Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy
The Effect Of Myofunctional Therapy On Snoring And Sleep Apnea: An Overview Of The Literature
GELB Michael | USA
Airway Centric Myofunctional Earliest Orthodontic Intervention
KHATWA Umakanth | USA
A call for updates to the standards of care for pediatric sleep: including myofunctional disorder screening and treatment
MOORE Sharon | Australia
Pediatric Sleep a Global Health Challenge
O’CONNOR REINA Carlos | Spain
Myofunctional Therapy in a Sleep Unit. Application of Telemedicine Approach using a Health App
PIA VILLA Maria | Italy
Short Lingual Frenulum as a Risk Factor for Sleep Disordered Breathing in School Aged Children
Orofacial Development and Pediatric OSA
WEBER Silke Anna Theresa | Brazil
Orofacial Myofunctional Evaluation: A tool for phenotyping pediatric OSA
DE LUCCAS Gabriele | Brazil
Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Orofacial Myofunctional therapy: Scientific Evidence and Future Perspectives
HRUBOS-STROM Harald | Norway
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy with Autofeedback in the Horizon 2020 Sleep Revolution Application
NG Daniel | Hong Kong
Covid-19 and Sleep Medicine: The Opportunities
The Role of the Soft Palate in Obstructive Sleep Apnea
CASTRO CORREA Camilla | Brazil
Paediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and Communication Disorders
RIVERA Eliana | Brazil
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy To Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea By Telecare
ZEE Phyllis C | USA
Scaling the Impact of Myofunctional Therapy, From the Research Lab to the Mass Market.
Nutrition, Chewing, & Systemic Health
Gasping For Life
Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Metabolic Syndrome. Is it really about Obesity
MOORE Sharon | Australia
The ’forgotten art’ of chewing’, nature’s perfect tool for optimizing cranio-facial growth.
• Chewing and Recovery after Surgery
• The Role Of Chewing In Space Exploration
SEMONICK Christina | USA
What Myofucntional Therapists can learn from Dysphagia Research
The Multidisciplinary Team, Omt, & Clinical Care
Development of Telecare in a Myofunctional Therapy Program in Hong Kong
Prescription for Play: Fostering Children’s Play and Related Functions in Response to COVID-19
BEGNONI Giacomo | ItalyA
Characterisation of Atypical Swallowing: How can Myofunctional Therapy Help?
A Framework for Interdisciplinary Care in Airway Dentistry
The Merging of Medicine and Dentistry
McINTOSH David | Australia
Connecting the Docs
FRAZÃO Yasmin | Brazil
A Facial Aesthetics Approach To Lessen The Natural Progression Of Signs Of An Aging Face
Alf and the Preeminence of Oral Neuro-Myofunction in Health Healing, and Resilience
• Myofunctional Therapy Applied to Prosthodontic Patients
• Orofacial Myofunctional Assessment – MBGR Protocol
DAAYAN Sharona | USA
Gum Disease: A New Paradigm Including Myofunctional Therapeutic Intervention
4 Dimensional Thinking in Dentistry and Dental Hygiene
Myofunctional Therapy For The Orthodontic Patient: Building A Collaborative Team
WARNIER Morgane | Belgium
Risk Factors Leading To The Early Apparition Of Myofunctional Disorders
GOUZLAND Thierry | France
The Oro-Facial Score (GOS12) : The Interdisciplinary Team
Early Intervention for Airway Enhancement and Cranial Facial Development
AUGUST 1, 09:00-11:00 PDT
From the Needles of Dionysus: the status of myofunctional therapy’s development as a field of medicine, through the prism of sleep medicine, and calls for what is needed for it to continue to advance to get there
AUGUST 1, 18:00-20:00 PDT
ONO Takashi | Japan
Oral breathing or nasal breathing? – Implications of early treatment of respiratory dysfunction
AUGUST 8, 09:00-11:00 PDT
BOYD Kevin | USA
Early Determinants Of Lifelong Airway Health During The 1st 1000 Days Of Life
AUGUST 8, 09:00-11:00 PDT
The Nutrition Transition In The 1st 1000 Days Of Life
AUGUST 14, 09:00-13:00 PDT
Postural Interplay Between the Tongue, Teeth and Throat — A Novel Model of Interdisciplinary Integration
AUGUST 24, 11:00-13:00 PDT
McKEOWN Patrick | Ireland
• How to breathe while wearing a face mask
• The three dimensions of breathing
• Linking to phenotypes of sleep apnea
• Women’s breathing versus a man’s major implications for pain, fatigue & sleep in women
AUGUST 28, 09:00-13:00 PDT
BERRETIN-FELIX Giedre | Brazil
Orofacial Myofunctional Assessment – MBGR Protocol
• Critical practical knowledge to master a medically validated intake form
AUGUST 16, 09:00-11:00 PDT
A Call To Reimagine The 1st 1000 Days Of Life: The Greatest Impact At The Lowest Threshold
AUGUST 21, 09:00-10:30 PDT
A Call For Pediatric Orthodontic Intervention At The Earliest Age Possible: Are We At A Tipping Point?
AUGUST 23, 09:00-11:00 PDT
Sleep Medicine: Has Myofunctional Therapy Arrived? How Might It Change The Field?
AUGUST 24, 09:00-11:00 PDT
Breath: The New Science Of A Lost Art
until October 1st. As a member of the AAMS you will have extended viewing privileges until December 31st.
Sponsorship descriptions and respective benefits.
The 5th AAMS Virtual Congress & Hippocrates Gala offers a variety of sponsorship opportunities.

* The Sponsorship packet is a partial list of available sponsorship opportunities.
For more details about our various sponsorship packages, please contact
Marc Richard Moeller, AAMS Executive Director by sending him an email at [email protected] or call him at +1 310-382-7852
Sponsorship and exhibiting at the 5th AAMS Congress & Hippocrates Gala gives you an opportunity to connect with your target audience, the academic community, the general public as well as allowing you to build networking relationships with interdisciplinary, allied health professionals and respective trade associations.
You will be in the company of some of the world’s foremost researchers, teachers, and health professionals dedicated to helping individuals with orofacial myofunctional disorders, their families and those that support them. Your sponsorship will also help support structured advancement and training required to help thousands of people suffering from OMDs.

Dr. Stecco’s scientific activity is devoted to studying the human fasciae from a macroscopical, histological, and physiopathological point of view. He has personally made over 100 cadaver dissections for research purposes, and, since 2007, Dr. Stecco has organized and personally taught theoretical and practical courses about the Fascial Manipulation method on all five major continents. He is the author of more than 40 papers about the extensor in fasciae, a co-author of five books, and a co-author of several chapters of international texts published by Elsevier. Dr. Stecco co-authored with his sister, Carla Stecco, MD Fascial Manipulation for Musculoskeletal Pain. He was recently elected Assistant-President in the Cabinet of the International Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Professor John Mew graduated in dentistry at University College London and then trained in Orthognathic surgery at the Royal Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead where he developed an interest in the science of facial growth. Seeking alternatives to facial surgery he returned in 1965 to University College to specialize in orthodontics. Since then he has been developing non-surgical methods of correcting unattractive vertical growth in children’s faces. In the 1970s he wrote several papers on the new sub-specialty of ‘Orthotropics’ which aims to encourage horizontal growth by changing oral posture. He has written a textbook and published many articles internationally on this subject. John has recently been described both as “a maverick” and “the brightest orthodontist who has ever lived”.

Patrick Fellus specializes in dentofacial orthopedics. He serves as the President of the French Pediatric Orthodontic Society, and works at the University Hospital Robert Debré in Paris. Former legal expert in France. He published several peer reviewed articles on various subjects including orofacial myofunctional disorders in French journals.

Lecture and lead clinician at the London School of Facial Orthotropics. Dr Mike Mew lectures and teaches extensively around the world. His personal interest is in the growth and development of the face, and understanding the factors that influence it. He has put forward the concept of Craniofacial Dystrophy to explain the cause of crooked teeth, sleep apnea, many ENT problems and TMD in 2014. Suggesting that they are all symptoms of a single underlying problem. Dr Mike is focused on advancing the orthotropics concept to achieve significant morphing of the craniofacial skeleton to improve dental and general health.

Dr. Bergeyron is an orthodontist, lecturer and a consultant in orthodontics. He is president of the International Society of Functional Esthetic of Smile in Orthodontics (ISFESO), and the founding President of the French Society of Plastic Orthodontics using Aligners (SFOPA). He is a member of the European Clinical Education Council Invisalign, the A.A.O (American Association of Orthodontics), the W.F.O (World Federation of Orthodontics) as well as the F.F.O (French Federation of Orthodontics)

Dr. Spruyt, National Institute of Medicine and Health (INSERM), Medical Faculty, University of Lyon, Lyon Neurosciences Research Center. She earned her degree in child, adolescent, and adult clinical psychology at the Vrije University in Brussel, Belgium. Her research focuses on pediatric sleep and neurodevelopment of the child. Her research interests involve sleep in clinical populations, sleep in non-clinical populations and sleep methodology. She has published more than 60 papers, books on pediatric sleep and given lectures at sleep conferences around the world.

Professor Luca Levrini. Deputy president Dental Hygiene School, University of Insubria, Italy. Assistant Medical Director, Dental Department, Fondazione Macchi Hospital, Varese. Member of the Medical Council, Como, Italy. Medical Journalist. President Fondazione Alessandro Volta, Como, Italy. Author of more than 200 scientific papers dealing with oral prevention and orthodontics.

Dr. Sabina Saccomanno is an instructor of Orthodontics, gnathology and a researcher at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the “Universita’ Cattolica del Sacro Cuore” in Rome, Italy. She practices orthodontics at the Policlinico Agostino Gemelli in Rome, Italy. Dr. Sabina Saccomanno is the author of many important articles, and she is a guest lecturer and author of a book on myofunctional therapy, orthodontics and posture.

President in Brazil of AIO-Asociacia Iberoamericana de Ortodoncistas; Member of IFUNA – International Functional Association; Specialist in TMD and Orofacial Pain; Professor of HBTC-RFA courses in Brazil, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Mexico and Israel.

Dr. Paola Pirelli graduated in Dentistry and is a specialist in Orthodontics at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. She is also an assistant professor, researcher, lecturer in Orthodontics, dental hygiene and specialty schools at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. For over 30 years she has been involved in Dentofacial Orthopaedics, dedicated to children in her research and clinical activities at the University Hospital and in her private practice in Rome. She actively lectures in multiple meetings and has authored many scientific publications.

Dr. Irene Marchesan is director of the prestigious CEFAC Institute in Sao Paulo and President of the Brazilian Speech Language Pathology Society, is one of the foremost leaders of myofunctional therapy in the world. She is the most published researcher in the field and a visionary for the establishment of myofunctional therapy as a standard of care. One of the most published authors of articles on frenum inspection, she, along with Roberta Martinelli, is lead architect of Brazil’s “Frenum Inspection Law” requiring as of January 2015 that all babies born in that country have their frenulum inspected and, if warranted, to be revised to avoid myofunctional disorders later in life.

Joy Moeller, BS, RDH is a dental hygienist, formally an associate professor at Indiana University, who has worked as a myofunctional therapist for many years and currently has a private practice in Pacific Palisades and Beverly Hills. Joy is founding lecturer with the Academy of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (AOMT). Joy wrote a chapter in Sleep Medicine Clinics as well as many published studies and other chapters in textbooks. She is currently on the board of the American Academy of Physiologic Medicine and Dentistry (AAPMD), a multi-disciplinary medical and dental group interested in airway problems, where she received a life-time achievement award March of 2015. Joy has lectured world-wide and she currently teaches with the Palo Alto school of sleep medicine and taught with UCLA dental sleep post-graduate program as well as a guest speaker at USC Dental Hygiene program.

Dr. Mahony is a Specialist Orthodontist who has been in private practice for over 30 years. He has built his practice, clinical teaching, and worldwide reputation in offering early interceptive orthodontic treatment. He is an invited reviewer for many dental journals, in the field of facial development, and its association with nasal breathing. He has been a leader in research linking maxillary arch expansion to a number of systemic disorders such as bed wetting and ADHD.

Samantha Weaver, MS, has been practicing myofunctional therapy since 2009 working in two clinics that specialize in breathing remediation and orofacial myofunctional therapy with children and adults. In addition to being a therapist, she is a director of the Academy of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (AOMT), whose curriculum leads the area of myofunctional therapy, helping facilitate the latest evidence based research touching on breathing remediation, sleep disorders, TMJ disorders, posture, fascia-release, and frenulum inspection and surgery. She holds two Bachelors, one in Performance Studies (Northwestern University) and one in Communicative Disorders and Sciences (Utah State University), and a Masters of Science in Communicative Disorders (CSUN). Samantha is a founding board member of the Academy of Applied Myofunctional Sciences (AAMS), is an adjunct professor at Dugoni School of Dentistry in San Francisco and supports research on myofunctional therapy at several universities around the world.

Dr. Marielly Mitchell, OTD, OTR/L, SIPT, SWC, a Los Angeles native was born and raised in Manhattan Beach, CA. She attended Loyola Marymount University majoring in Psychology with a minor in studio arts. She graduated with her Masters in 2011 and in 2012 completed her Doctorate with a teacher’s aid scholarship from the top ranked occupational therapy program at the University of Southern California. She focused her training on helping children with feeding and swallowing disorders which led to an Advanced Practice Certification in Swallowing Assessment, Evaluation, or Intervention (SWC) and studied Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy.

Roselyne Lalauze Pol practices pediatric osteopath specialized in the management of children with maxillofacial syndromes and neuro-motor disorders. Member of the International Club of Facial Morphology and the Parisian Perinatal Health Network. PhD student in 2nd year SIEB at EPHE-PSL. President of SEROPP (Research Society in Perinatal and Pediatric Osteopathy).

Eyal Botzer is a DMD from the Hebrew University School of Dental Medicine. He studied in the Post Graduate program in Pediatric Dentistry. He served as a research fellow at the NYU Dental School, training in a new technique for the treatment of cleft lip and palate at the NYU Medical Center Institute of Craniofacial Reconstructive Plastic Surgery. He served as the Director of the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic at the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center. He co-authored several articles on Tongue Tie and performed over 20 thousand frenulum surgery procedures.

Katrina is a specialist speech and language therapist working as a Consultant in Dysphagia in Kent Community NHS Foundation Trust. She has an independent practice, and trained as an orofacial myofunctional practitioner. She is an honorary lecturer at Christchurch University, Greenwich for Pediatric Dysphagia. 2019 winner of the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellowship where she will be tasked with exploring how to establish OMT in the NHS of the UK

Dr. Quo has extensive experience in treating pediatric and adult SDB. Having been invited to speak at medical conferences on pediatric sleep disordered breathing in 16 different countries, her published work includes book chapters in sleep medicine textbooks as well as original research reports. Dentistry is well represented in her family, as her brother, Brian Quo, is a pediatric dentist in Palo Alto, and her husband, Todd Yonemura, is a prosthodontist in Danville. Treating both adults and children, her practice is a balanced mix of multidisciplinary cases, surgical orthodontics, and early interceptive care.

Dr. Luis Ruiz Guzman is a pediatrician doctor. He has a master in Maternal and Child Health from the University of London. He also has a diploma in breast pathology from the University of Barcelona. Board member and head of maternal and child health of the UNICEF Catalonia committee.

Michelle Emanuel has been a pediatric Occupational Therapist for 20 years. She has experience working in the NICU, PICU, CICU, and outpatient arenas. Her specialty ranges from the newborn to pre-crawling baby, and her focus has been on torticollis, plagiocephaly and oral restrictions and dysfunction.

Cynthia Peterson is a physical therapist with 28 years experience and is trained in myofunctional therapy, breath re-education, dry needling, dynamic cranial nerve testing, posture and certified ergonomic assessments. Author of The TMJ Healing Plan: Ten Steps to Relieving Headaches, Neck Pain, and Jaw Disorders.

Marc Richard Moeller, is the Executive Director and founding Board Chair of the Academy of Applied Myofunctional Sciences (AAMS), who also serves as the Managing Director of the Academy of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (AOMT). He is a graduate of University of California, San Diego.

Dr. Sullivan is a pediatric pulmonologist in Redwood City, California and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford and Stanford Health Care-Stanford Hospital. She received her medical degree from University of Michigan Medical School and has been in practice many years.

Robert H. Lustig is Professor emeritus of Pediatrics, Division of Endocrinology at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). He specializes in the field of neuroendocrinology, with an emphasis on the regulation of energy balance by the central nervous system. His research and clinical practice has focused on childhood obesity and diabetes. Dr. Lustig holds a Bachelor’s in Science from MIT, a Doctorate in Medicine from Cornell University. Medical College, and a Master’s of Studies in Law from U.C. Hastings College of the Law.

Abe Hidehiro graduated from Niigata National University School of Dentistry. He owns two nursery schools, and the curriculum focusses on an oral function development program with the aim of promoting the normal development of breathing and swallowing. The facilities are attended by up to to 80 children aged 0-12 years. He also runs a seminar activity and a qualification system called “KOUIKUSI” in Japan which is attended by 800 people a year. He owns an organsisation called JODA (Japan Oral Development Association) which has 100 dental clinics.

As an Otolaryngologist Dr Carlos O’Connor Reina main objective is to treat and diagnose sleep diorders. He qualified in 1994 with a degree in medicine from Hospital Virgen Macarena Sevilla and went on to become an otothinolaryngology Fellow. He is a graduate in Design and Statistics for Medical Sciences and a graduate in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine. He has been involved in clinical practice since 2000 and in 2006 became Head of ENT Departament form Hospital Quiron Marbella and in 2012 became also Head of ENT Department Hospital Quiron Campo de Gibraltar, Cadiz which are their current posts. He authored 14 international manuscripts 10 with an impact factor based on sleep medicine matters.

Dr Hermann started his functional career in 2008 when he met Dr Darick Nordstrom and started to study ALF and Dr Nordstrom’s Interface treatment philosophy. Later, as a member of the organizations IFUNA and AAMS Dr Hermann got involved with the scientific groups working in craniofacial functional teamwork.

Dr Sergey Minaev (Phd) is a highly motivated internationally certified dentist with 20 year experience in prosthetic dentistry. He has an interest in combining traditional methods with digital technology which allows him to give the best possible treatment to patients as well as constantly searching for new solutions, studying advanced electronic components and implementing new knowledge into medical practice. Since 2009 he has focused on the treatment of temperomandibular joint disorders conducting functional analysis with advanced technology. He has an interest in digital profiling of patients through intra-oral scanning and 3d printing. He is keen to recognize the preventative role of myofunctional therapy to reduce onset of TMJ disorders in the pediatric population.

Nicole Archambault is an ASHA board certified speech-language pathologist, certified lactation educator/counselor, and airway & sleep literacy advocate. She is the founder and executive director of Minds In Motion. She is a national and international speaker and published author on the topic of educational neuroscience, myofunctional therapy, airway function disorders and the autonomic nervous system, and sleep in pediatrics. Nicole is a 2016 graduate of the Mind, Brain, & Teaching graduate certificate program at Johns Hopkins University.

Thierry Gouzland is a physiotherapist with an exclusive practice in OMT in the PEAS : Sleep Apnea Exploration Pole at the Clinique Bel-Air, in France. He is a holder of a university degree in cranio-facial anatomy and in sciences of movement analysis. He is also qualified in structural osteopathy. He is author of scientific articles and book chapters. He is the current President of the french Oro-Maxillo-facial Reeducation Association AROM.

Dr. Weber, is an adjunct Professor for Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery at Botucatu Medical School-FMB, UNESP, Botucatu,SP, Brazil Coordinator of the Sleep Lab at the university hospital “ Hospital das Clínicas HCFMB Botucatu” and the research line in Sleep breathing disorders at the program “Surgery and Translational medicine”, member of the ERS Task Force group of pediatric sleep breathing disorders.

Morgane Warnier graduated with highest praise from University of Liege, Belgium. She is an SLP specialized in orofacial myofunctional therapy related to orthodontics, sleep disordered breathing and bruxism. In 2018 she received a grant from the Belgian National Funding for Research and started a PhD at the University of Liege. She is now conducting a longitudinal study about myofunctional development.

Dr. Nordstrom is a doctor primarily located in Hollister, CA. USC, DDS, Dentistry, 1975 – 1979. In 1978, while researching medical and dental journals to clarify discrepancies in theories about the origin of jaw problems, he felt that studying the head/jaw during sleep would provide the missing link. He found that JPL / NASA had biotelemetry equipment available that he would be able to adapt to measuring muscles and movement during sleep.

Christina graduated from the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada in 2012 with an M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology. She holds a certificate of clinical competence (CCC-SLP) from the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA). She is licensed by the state of California and the province of Alberta to practice Speech-Language Pathology.

Dentist and Orthodontic Specialist; Professor of Orthodontist Specialization Career at UAI University and Head of its Clinic since 2016. She has a Diploma from the London School of Facial Orthotropics. Attended the Orthotropic Master Guidance in Alberta Canada and the International Symposiums in Rome, Italy, Los Angeles, California, Chicago, and the Orthotropic Symposium 2018 in London.

Board certified Pediatric Dentist in Chicago who also holds a Master’s degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics. He teaches in the Pediatric Dentistry residency program at Lurie Children’s Hospital and serves as a dental consultant to their sleep medicine clinic. Dr. Boyd is a visiting scholar at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archeology and Anthropology conducting research in post-industrial evolution of the human face and airway-related structures. He lectures worldwide on pediatric OSA, evolutionary oral medicine and early intervention orthodontics.

Miho Imamura, DDS, PhD is a 1986 graduate of the Nippon dental school in Tokyo, Japan. She’s a graduate of the Japan University orthodontic course (1986-1988). In 1988 to 2002 she studied preventive dentistry research at the DesMoines College in Iowa, USA. In 2003 she opened the M.I.H.O.orthodontic clinic (private clinic in Kofu Japan) where she currently works. She is a professional certified board member of the Japan Orthodontic Association and the Japan Adult Orthodontic Association. Dr. Imamura is a founder and board member of the Japanese Society for Oral Myofunctional Therapy.

Giovanni Olivi graduated cum laude in Medicine and Surgery (MD) and in Dentistry (DDS). Dr.Olivi achieved the Master status from the Academy of Laser Dentistry (2006-2009) that also awarded him, in 2007, with the “Leon Goldman Award” for clinical excellence. Author of over 70 papers and 4 textbooks on laser dentistry Giovanni Olivi is currently professor and scientific Coordinator of the ”Laser Dentistry” proficiency and master courses at the Catholic University of Rome.

For the past 16 years, functional breathing educator and author Patrick McKeown has taught children and adults simple and effective ways to adopt functional breathing patterns. A TEDx [1] speaker, Patrick’s work has touched the lives of thousands and more worldwide. His work has been published by leading publishing houses including Harper Collins (UK), William Morrow Press (USA), Red Wheel Weiser (USA), Sperling & Kupfer (Italy), Kanki Publishing Inc. (Japan). Journal publications include the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine and Clinical Otolaryngology.

Sharon Moore is a speech pathologist with 4 decades of clinical experience across a wide range of functional disorders of the upper airway. She works closely with medical and dental specialists, integrating myofunctional science fully into diagnosis and treatment planning across multiple upper airway functions; breathing, swallowing, chewing, phonation, resonance, speech and airway potency during sleep. The global health challenge of pediatric sleep disorders as a global public health issue has inspired her to write Sleep-Wrecked Kids, a resource for parents and professionals.

Prof. Villa has been an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the II Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at the ‘La Sapienza’ University in Rome from 2001 to 2005. Since 2005 she has been Tenured Professor of Pediatrics at the Faculty of Medicine. She published countless articles in medical journals, she is an international speaker, a researcher, and strong advocate for more centers to address sleep disorders and sleep medicine.

Corinne Thery-Dumeix is a Member of the French Society of Orthodontics, and obtained the State diploma of Dental Surgery in Nice on May 13, 1986. She later obtained the Certificate of Clinical Studies Special mention Orthodontics in Marseille on January 25, 1994. She has worked for Professor Guy Perrier d’Arc in Nice, and she sat in the Var La Seyne sur Mer where she has been in private practice orthodontics since 1988. She specializes in early orthodontic treatments before the age of 6. She has worked as a trainer in the International Telecrane club of Dr Marie-Josèphe Deshayes at training workshops of Doctor Marie-Josèphe Deshayes on the cranial exploration and early orthodontic treatment of the asymmetries.

Dr. Gina Weissman began her career as a dentist, receiving her training at The Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem. Dr. Weissman is also a RN nurse, and has been working as an IBCLC, certified Lactation Consultant, since 1999. She teaches courses in human lactation for both medical professionals and future lactation consultants, mentoring them in preparation for the international exam of the IBCLC. Dr. Weissman councils mothers and releases tongue ties at her private breastfeeding clinic, HalavM. She is an expert in teaching mothers Instinctive Breastfeeding and the author of Mother’s Milk, a Video Guide to Breastfeeding (Hebrew/Arabic/English). Dr. Weissman is an international lecturer and the president of the Israeli Association of Certified Lactation Consultants.

Rosalba is an osteopath with over 40 years of experience in clinical practice. She also has a PhD from RMIT University on the subject of dysfunctional breathing and integrative breathing therapy. She has also trained in orofacial myology. She is actively involved with research and has published over 14 academic articles and several text book chapters related to her research. Rosalba is a member of the Osteopathic Research Alliance (ORA) and various professional organizations including the International Society for the Advancement of Respiratory Psychophysiology (ISARP) and Osteopathy Australia (OA) and American Academy of Physiological Medicine and Dentistry (AAPMD).

Virginia M. Johnson, DO, FAAO, C-NMM/OMM: Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, 1998 College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona, CA. AOA Residency, Neuro-Musculoskeletal Medicine/Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, St. Barnabas Hospital, Bronx, New York, Hugh Ettlinger, D.O., F.A.A.O, Director, 1999–2001. AOA Board Certified in Neuro-Musculoskeletal Medicine & Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine. 2002, re-certified 2011. AOBNMM/OMM Fellowship, American Academy of Osteopathy, Conferred March, 2015. Clinical Assistant Professor, Dept. of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, Western University of Health Sciences, College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific, 2002–present. Faculty, The Osteopathic Cranial Academy, various courses, 2003—present Faculty in OMM, PIH/Downey Medical Center, Family Medicine Residency, Downey, CA, 2016–present. Private Practice, Neuro-Musculoskeletal Medicine/Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, Santa Monica, CA, October 2001 to present.

Dr. Yue Weng Cheu is the Clinical Director of DP Dental (Kovan) and DP Dental (Orchard). DP Dental group integrates dental technology for predictable diagnostic and therapeutic outcomes for patients. He completed his BDS degree at the National University of Singapore and received an annual scholarship award from the The Pierre Fauchard Academy Foundation. He has been elected as a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons; Fellow of the International College of Dentists, and Fellow of International Congress of Oral Implantologists. He obtained his Membership of the Joint Dental Faculties of the Royal College of Surgeons, England.He has completed the full TMD continuum at Occlusion Connections in USA and finished his mini residency on Dental Sleep Medicine with TUFTS University School of Dental Medicine. Dr. Yue has been lecturing and conducting hands-on courses locally and internationally.

“Dr David McIntosh is an adjunct Associate Professor of ENT in Queensland, Australia. He specialises in paediatric ENT, nose and sinus disease, snoring and sleep apnoea. He is an internationally recognised specialist in the field of the interplay between ENT and dentistry. He is the founder of one of the largest education services in the world for dental professionals and doctors on ENT. He also runs the online Facebook pages “”ENT for dental practitioners”” and “”ENT updates for the GP””. He is the holder of a PhD, paediatric subspecialty qualifications, and has been a recipient of a NHMRC scholarship. David brought his knowledge together in a self-published book “Snored to Death” and this has been sold to countries across the world. Outside of medicine, David is also a certified fitness instructor and avid world explorer.”

Licia graduated from Padua University (Italy) in speech therapy, from Antioch University, Los Angeles with a BA in Gerontology and from Cal. State U. Northridge with a Masters Degree in Communication Disorders and Sciences, but she never stopped learning and pursuing education. She found the perfect mixture of inspiring professionals at the Academy of Orofacial myofunctional therapy (AOMT) where she is currently a board member. Licia shares her passion for knowledge and information by presenting at various events nationally and internationally, using different types of media. She also ponders over every word she writes in several articles on the subject of myofunctional therapy. Licia works hard but also makes a point to spend quality time with her siblings, with her much adored husband, her funny dog, friends, colleagues, students and with people passionate about learning and doing.

Dr. Michael Gelb, with world class offices in both NYC and White Plains, New York is an innovator in sleep apnea, painful TMJ / TMD disorders, and other head and neck pain disorders. Dr. Gelb has studied breathing related sleep disorders (BRSD), specializing in how they relate to fatigue, focus, pain, and the effects all of these can have on a person’s life. Dr. Gelb is known as “The Sleep Apnea / Sleep Disorders Specialist in NYC“, “The TMJ Specialist“. The Gelb Center is the premier destination for patients suffering with TMJ, headaches, or sleep disorders. Dr. Michael Gelb is the co-inventor the critically acclaimed Airway Centric ™ medical device as well as the NORAD, or Nocturnal Oral Airway Dilator appliance. Dr. Michael Gelb is a highly rated author and speaker on TMJ, sleep apnea, sleep disorders, and chronic headache treatments.

Dr. Hila Robbins is a highly experienced, board-certified specialist in pediatric dentistry. She received her D.M.D. degree from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine and completed a two-year fellowship at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. She completed her specialty residency at the UCLA School of Dentistry and the UCLA Center for the Health Sciences. Dr. Robbins is a Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry, and is a member of the American Dental Association, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, the California Dental Association and the Southern California Society of Pediatric Dentistry. She is also past president and a member of the Executive Committee of the Southern California Chapter of the ASPD.

Dr. Amy L. Luedemann-Lazar is a native Houstonian who has been involved in providing dental care since 1990. She started as a dental assistant and went on to put herself through school until she reached her ultimate goal of becoming a pediatric dentist, where her two loves – children and dentistry – come together every day. She graduated with honors in her undergraduate studies of Nutrition and Psychology. She obtained her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree in 2005 from the University of Texas Dental Branch – Houston. She then traveled to Seattle, Washington where she received her Pediatric Specialty Training and a Masters degree from the University of Washington. She served on the craniofacial team there and worked extensively with children who had special healthcare needs. Additionally, Dr. Luedemann served as an Acting Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of Washington. She’s traveled to more than 20 countries and provided dentistry in nearly half of them.

Since 1974, Dr. Kotlow has been in private practice, serving the specialized needs of children. He is a native Albanian, born and educated in Albany, graduated from Albany High School, attended the Albany College of Pharmacy and received an early admission to the SUNY Buffalo School of Dentistry. Dr. Kotlow is known throughout the country for his innovative techniques and caring manner, and has lectured for some of the top dental societies and dental companies. Dr. Kotlow has lectured in Australia, Taiwan, Canada, England, France, and throughout the United States concerning Pediatric Dentistry and lasers. He has written over 35 articles and authored chapters on pediatric dentistry and lasers for three laser textbooks. He completed board certification in the specialty of pediatric dentistry from the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry in 1980. He is one of only 18 dentists recognized by the Academy of Laser Dentistry to certify other dentists in standard proficiency to use lasers and have achieved the position of Mastership status from the Academy of Laser Dentistry

Dr. Umakanth Khatwa, is a graduate of Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences, Hubli, Karnataka, and completed hispediatrics residency at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. He came to United States and completed his pediatric residency at The Weil Cornell Medical School, Lincoln Medical Center, New York. He went on to complete his fellowships in pediatric pulmonology at Harvard Medical School, Boston Children’s Hospital and sleep medicine at Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston. Dr. Khatwa, is certified in pediatrics, pediatric pulmonology and sleep medicine. He is currently faculty at Harvard Medical School and actively involved in teaching medical students and residents. He is the Director of Sleep Laboratory at Boston Children Hospital and co-director for Program for Sleep Apnea and Sleep Surgery and Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Program. His area of clinical expertise include pediatric sleep and breathing disorders and complex airways problems.

Frankie Burget, 2016 and 2019 Occupational Therapist of the Year, has been a National Board Certified Registered and Licensed Occupational Therapist with Lifetime Certification in the Fort Worth/Dallas Metroplex for over 30 years. She is also a Licensed Massage Therapist and Instructor. Owner of Windsong Therapy and Wellness, Inc., in Bedford, TX, she is well-known in the medical community. She is Board Certified in Integrative Medicine and Pediatrics. A graduate of Texas Women’s University, Frankie’s unique accumulation of education in many fields of therapy gives her a credibility that is unequaled. She is a Mastery Level Myofascial Release Therapist, is pursuing her Diplomate Certification from Upledger Institute for CranioSacral Therapy, certified in NeuroDevelopmental Treatment, Medical Massage and Wellness Education.

“2011-2017Dr Pagnoni graduated with honors in dentistry at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma (IT) in 2017. From 2017 he has been under the mentorship of Dr Wanda Delgobbo’s office and been interested in activities promoted by Dr Jean Delaire. He is currently completing a Masters degree in 3D Orthodontics. Since 2017 he has been in Private Practice working in general dentistry and orthodontics. Publications: “Reasons for Tooth Extractions and Related Risk Factors in Adult Patients: A Cohort Study”(Pier Carmine Passarelli, Stefano Pagnoni, […], and Antonio D’Addona), Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Apr; 17(7): 2575. PublishedPublished online 2020 Apr 9. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17072575. PMCID: PMC7178127. PMID: 32283707.”

Dr Delgobbo is a private practitioner working in orthodontics alongside Ascoli Piceno in Italy. In 1974 she graduated in medicine and went on to qualify in dentistry in 1978. She has studied extensively throughout her career and has been an instructor in Bioprogressive Orthodontics in Arizona and in Naples. She has undertaken courses in physiotherapy rehabilitation in TMJ under Professor Rocobado and the University of Santiago. IN 2004-2005 she undertook a Masters Degree in Craniomandibular Disorders at the Universita Federico II, Napoli. From 2009 she has been interested in the work of Dr Delaire and she has been involved in carrying out research alongside Dr Delaire.

Michael has been working in the field of dentofacial medicine sine 1977. From 2007 he has been living and practising in Switzerland and created the Orthoglobal Sarl (Lausanne) and the Orthoglobal Clinic (Renens) with the aim of promoting paediatric orthodontics In 2013-2014 he was a teacher at the Swiss Federation of Osteopaths and from 2015 he has been engaged in research looking at early determinants of occlusion according to the early sensorimotor determinants of posture at AIOF (International Association of French-speaking Orthodontists) and CIMF – (International Club of Facial Morphology).

Dr. Hang has developed a truly unique orthodontic practice with strong emphasis on facial esthetics achieved with innovative early treatment and adult treatment. Approximately 15 years ago he became aware of the significant positive affect some of his treatments were having on the airway. This opened up a whole new aspect of orthodontics – maximizing the airway for ALL orthodontic patients and specifically treating patients with SDB (sleep disordered breathing) or OSA (obstructive sleep apnea).

Dr. Bănică has a Master of Linguistic Orthodontics at René Descartes University in Paris. She has 14 years as a Specialist in Orthodontics and Dento-Facial Orthopedics. Dr. Bănică introduced the concept of functional orthodontics in Romania, being the only doctor specialized in Preventive or Natural Pediatric Orthodontics, Myobrace and in Orthodontics and Myofunctional Therapy. Ortho Institute collaborates with renowned doctors from Romania and abroad, combining classic values with modern digital services and technologies, in order to offer the most efficient and intelligent treatment methods.

María Paz Moya Daza, Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP), Master in University Teaching (UA, Chile), Ph.D. candidate in Morphological Science at the Faculty of Medicine of the University De La Frontera (UFRO). Currently, she is an Assistant professor at the Faculty of Health Science at the Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Temuco (UA, Temuco). She is author of several studies and scientific research book chapters on orofacial motricity. She was also coordinator of the book “Evaluación e Intervención Logopédica en Motricidad Orofacial y Áreas afines” published in 2019. Her major areas of interest are diagnosis, treatment or/and rehabilitation of oral breathing and other disorders of orofacial motricity.

Debora Cattoni is Specialist in Speech Language Pathology (CRFa 2 – 7622), Specialist in Orofacial Myology, Master and PhD in Sciences from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (FMUSP), Professor at CEFAC – Health and Education, Member of the Brazilian Society of Speech Language Pathology (SBFa) and Founding Member of the Brazilian Association of Orofacial Motricity (ABRAMO).

Dr. Harald Hrubos-Strøm holds a position at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Akershus University Hospital, Norway. He is a clinician and a researcher with interest in the physiology of respiratory regulation, sleep apnoea diagnostics, and novel treatment solutions. Dr Hrubos-Strøm has an MD from the University of Bergen and a PhD from the University of Oslo. After obtaining his PhD, he has specialised in otorhinolaryngology and co-supervised one PhD student. He is currently the main supervisor of two PhD students, acting leader of the otorhinolaryngology research group at Akershus University Hospital, and associate professor (10%) at the University of Oslo, department of behavioural science in medicine. He also holds an expert certificate as a Somnologist from the European Sleep Research Society.

James Nestor is an author and journalist who has written for Scientific American, The New York Times, The Atlantic, and more. His new book, Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art, was released on May 26, 2020 and was an instant New York Times Top 10 bestseller. Breath explores the million-year-long history of how the human species has lost the ability to breathe properly

Dr. Ben Younes-Uzan is an Orthodontist, Doctor in Dental Surgery. Qualified Specialist in Dentofacial Orthopedics. Graduate of the Faculty of Medicine of Brussels. Graduate in Advanced Studies in Pediatric Stomatology. Former Orthodontic Consultation fellow at Robert Debré Pediatric Hospital. Member of the office of S.B.R Paris. Perinatal and Pediatric Osteopathy Training Program in Paris

Dr. Zaghi graduated from Harvard Medical School, completed residency in ENT (Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery) at UCLA, and Sleep Surgery Fellowship at Stanford University. The focus of his sub-specialty training is on the comprehensive treatment of tongue-tie, nasal obstruction, mouth breathing, snoring, and obstructive sleep apnea. He is very active in clinical research relating to sleep disordered breathing with over 80+ peer-reviewed research publications in the fields of neuroscience, head and neck surgery, and sleep-disordered breathing.

Mark L. Cannon is a Professor of Otolaryngology, Division of Dentistry at Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, an Attending Physician at Ann and Robert Lurie Children’s Hospital and a member of the International Association of Pediatric Dentistry. In addition to being the founder of Associated Dental Specialists of Long Grove (1981); he is the Research Coordinator of the Pediatric Dental residency program at Ann and Robert Lurie Children’s Hospital, Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Cannon has 40 years of experience in pediatric dentistry and has presented lectures both nationally and internationally. He lectures on many oral health topics including evolutionary oral medicine, the gateway microbiomes, biologic and bioactive dental materials (patents owner), probiotics, and all aspects of everyday Pediatric oral health. Dr. Cannon has humbly accepted two invitations by the Karolinska Institutet, first to the Nobel Forum (2016) and secondly to the Nobel Assembly (2017).

Emmanuel Thelliez MD is a graduate in orthodontics, osteopathy and postural deficiency.

Dr. Daniel K. Ng is currently the Honorary Consultant in the Department of Paediatrics, Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital. He served as the Consultant Paediatrician and COS in the Department of Paediatrics, Kwong Wah Hospital before coming to HKSH. He is a registered specialist in paediatric respiratory medicine. His interest in paediatric respiratory medicine started in 1992 and he received further training in this area in the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. He was awarded Master of Medical Sciences by the University of Hong Kong for his works in neonatology in 1999. He received training in paediatric sleep medicine in Stanford University Sleep Disorders Center and started the paediatric sleep service in Kwong Wah Hospital. For his research works in paediatric sleep-disordered breathing, he was awarded Doctor of Medicine by the University of Hong Kong. Dr. Ng was awarded European Diploma in Paediatric Respiratory Medicine by European Respiratory Society and Specialist in Sleep Medicine by World Association of Sleep Medicine. Dr. Ng’s main research interests are sleep-disordered breathing, asthma and allergic rhinitis.

Pia Villanueva is an Associate Professor in the School of Speech and Hearing Services at the University of Chile and a clinical speech and language pathologist. She has over fifteen years of research history on the Robinson Crusoe Island and has built strong relationships with the island authorities across the city hall, education and clinical services. On the mainland, she has a proven track record in the assessment of language difficulties and their treatment and has published extensively in this field.

Dr Silvia Muller-Hagedorn became an MD at the Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany) and went on to continue her studies qualifying as a Dentist in 2002 and going on to specialise in Orthodontics at the Eberhard Karls University of Tuebingen (Germany). She practised as a Dentist from 2003-2011 and during 2010 she has volunteered as a Doctor for the German Red Cross. From the period between 2011-2017 she worked at the Department of Orthodontics & Interdisciplinary Center for Cleft Palate & Craniofacial Malformations, at Tuebingen University Hospital. From 2017-2020 she has been working at the Department of Orthodontics University Hospital of Rostock. She is keen to forge relationships fro work on research projects at the or research Department of Ophtalmology, Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Botucatu Medical School, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Ms. Berretin-Felix is a graduate in Speech Language Pathology (Bauru School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo – 1996), with a Master’s degree in Oral Physiology (Campinas State University – 1999), Ph.D. in Physiopathology in Clinical Medicine (Paulista State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho – 2005) and post doctorate in Swallowing Disorders (University of Florida – 2010). She is currently a Titular Professor, Department of Speech Therapy and Audiology, Bauru School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, Editor-in-Chief of CEFAC – Speech, Language, Hearing Sciences and Educational Journal, and productivity researcher fellow by the National Council of Scientific and Technological Development.

Giuseppe Marzo is Professor of Odontostomatological Diseases at the University of L’Aquila. Director of the School of Specialization in Orthodontics in the University of L’Aquila. He is member of the Technical Group in Dentistry of the Ministry of Health and of the Governing Council of the Order of Doctors of Rome. He is past-President SIOI, member of the SIOI Scientific Committee and site manager in Chief of the European Journal of Pediatric Dentistry.

Isabelle Filliozat is a french psychotherapist and speaker since 1982. After 20 years of independent practice in psychotherapy, she has been training psychotherapists and parenting professionals for more than 15 years. She is the author of 35 books on emotions, relationships and positive parenting. Translations exist in 26 languages. She delivers conferences, workshops and online resources for parents. In September 2019, she was named vice president of the 1000 days commission by the President of the French Republic.

Meir Kryger, MD, FRCPC, joined the Yale School of Medicine and the VA Connecticut Health System, November 2011. Previously he was Professor of Medicine, University of Manitoba where he established the first clinical laboratory studying patients with sleep breathing problems in Canada. Dr. Kryger has published more than 200 research articles and book chapters. He is the chief editor of the most widely used textbook in sleep medicine, The Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine, currently in its 5th edition and is the author of A Woman’s Guide to Sleep Disorders, the Atlas of Clinical Sleep Medicine, and Kryger’s Sleep Medicine Review.

Rebecca Jewel Manenti graduated in Dentistry at the Universidad Europea di Madrid in 2018. After her degree she attended the Advanced Training course in Anatomy of the Temporomandibular joint and maxillary bones at the University Sapienza di Roma. She currently is a student at the Specialization in Orthodontics at the Università degli studi dell’Aquila.

Vincenzo Quinzi is Professor both at the Specialization School in Orthognathodontics in at the Specialization School in Pediatric Dentistry of the University of L’Aquila. He is ordinary member of SIDO (Italian Society of Orthodontics) from 2010 and in the years 2011-2012 he was National Delegate for relations with Young Orthodontists. He is member WFO (World Federation of Orthodontists), SIOI (Italian Society of Pediatric Dentistry), SIOCMF (Italian Society of Odontostomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery), SUSO (Unitary Union of Orthodontics Specialty Union), SIDOC (Italian Society of Conservative Dentistry). He is speaker at Congresses and Conferences of Orthodontics and Dentistry and author of books and many articles.

Silvia Giancaspro graduated in Dentistry at the Universidad Europea of Madrid in 2018. After her degree she attended the Advanced Training course in Anatomy of the Temporomandibular joint and maxillary bones at the University Sapienza of Rome and in Advance Facial Aesthetic Medicine at the University of Tor Vergata of Rome. She is currently a student at the Specialization in Orthodontics at the Università degli studi dell’Aquila.

Dr. Theodore R. Belfor is a graduate of New York University College of Dentistry, and a Senior Certified Instructor for the International Association for Orthodontics (IAO). In the 1960s, Dr. Belfor was sent to Vietnam to work as the sole brigade dentist for 4,000 soldiers of the 196th Light Infantry. From the jungles of Vietnam to Park Ave in Manhattan, upon his return, he opened his own private dental office in New York City and has been in private practice for more than 40 years. Dr. Belfor has been lecturing on his specialty worldwide, teaching and training dentists with the Homeoblock™ appliance and his unique diagnostic protocol for more than 18 years. His work is devoted to understanding the causes of sleep and breathing disorders through individual patient craniofacial analysis.

Yasmin Frazao is a Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP) in Brazil and a Specialist in Orofacial Motricity (Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy – CFFa 2-3933); she holds an M.A. in Communication Disorders (PUC-Catholic University of Sao Paulo – 1996) and a Graduate Certificate in Orofacial Motricity – Facial Aesthetics – CEFAC (2006-2007). She is also a Speech Language Pathologist Certified in Sleep Medicine – Brazilian Sleep Association (ABS). Currently, she is completing her doctorate at the University of Sao Paulo – Bauru School of Dentistry (FOB/USP).

Dr. Esther Mandelbaum Gonçalves Bianchini, Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP), Specialist in Orofacial Motricity (Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy – CFFa 019/96) Master in Communication Disorders (PUC-SP), received her Ph.D. in Science, Experimental Physiopathology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (FMUSP). Currently, she is a permanent professor at the Post Graduation Program in SLP at the Pontíficia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP) and at CEFAC – Health and Education, Brazil. She is the Coordinator of the SLP Commission of the Brazilian Society of Sleep (ABSono) and directs a SLP Rehabilitation Clinic in São Paulo, Brazil. Her major interest is diagnosis and rehabilitation procedures regarding swallowing disturbances, dentofacial deformities, orthognathic surgery, sleep apnea, and temporomandibular disorders.

Takashi Ono was appointed as Professor and Chairman of Department of Orthodontic Science, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) Graduate School, Tokyo, Japan in 2010. He is also Vice Dean of Dental Hospital, TMDU. His research interests include tongue/oral physiology, craniofacial function/dysfunction, sleep-related respiratory disorders, brain activity, and early intervention. He serves as Adjunct/Visiting Professor at 4 universities outside Japan, and is a recipient of the 2018 IADR/AADR Williams J Gies Award.

Ron Hruska, MPA, PT, has a strong interest in myokinematic and biomechanical influences on postural and peripheral adaptation patterns. His 40 years of clinical experience assists him with direct patient interventions based on specific examination and evaluation data that best reflects neuromechanical stability, trunk symmetry and respiratory balance. He lectures extensively and consults regularly with physicians, physical therapists, optometrists, dentists, and other health care providers across the United States and internationally on patterned postural position and pathology and his approach of restoring symmetrical balance using PRI principles. He is a graduate of the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Division of Physical Therapy. He currently is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association. Ron is the founder of the Postural Restoration Institute®, where he continues to teach around 20 courses each year across the country and internationally. He currently consults at the Hruska Clinic, Restorative Physical Therapy Services and Hohl Orthodontics in Lincoln, Nebraska, and IPA Manhattan in New York City. In addition, Ron serves as a Biomechanical Consultant to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln through the Division of Athletic Medicine.

Justin JC Lee is a Pediatric dentist, phD. Head of Seoul Children’s Dental Center. A Faculty of Seoul National University, School of Dentistry. A Board of Pediatric Dentistry Association of Asia

Phd, the specialist of early clinical speech therapy – Marzena Machoś – the lecturer on a few polish universities, the founder of the Silesian Infant Center “Guguhopla”. The author of 6 books – the manuals for both parents and speech therapists and the author of 5 protocols for oral functions assessment and communicative abilities in children. She specialises in newborns and infants with sucking disorders and short frenulum. She developed a method of therapy for infants with tongue tie – miobobo, in which she describes a holistic diagnose and procedure after frenotomy. She conducts professional trainings for speech therapists in Poland.

Dr. Cláudia Maria de Felício is Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP), Specialist in Orofacial Motricity (Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy – CFFa 140/97), Master in Eduaction, Federal University of São Carlos, SP (UFSCar), Ph.D. in Science, University of São Paulo (USP, Brazil). Currently, she is a professor at the Post Graduation Program in Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, and Head and Neck Surgery of the School of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, USP, and Researcher at the Craniofacial Research Support Center USP – Ribeirão Preto (SP). She has written 91 scientific papers for national and international journals (53 abstracts in the She has also authored books and book chapters about orofacial myofunctional evaluation and therapy.

Dr. Marianna Evans is a full-time practicing orthodontist, periodontist and dental implant surgeon. She is a diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology and American Board of Orthodontics. Her interdisciplinary training and years of clinical experience allow her to see the interconnectivity of gum disease, malocclusion and skeletal function in a way few specialists can. Dr. Evans was also a Clinical Associate at The University of Pennsylvania Department of Orthodontics from 2010-2016 and a Consulting Scholar at The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology from 2016-2019 where she conducted research on jaw development in humans of the pre-industrial era. She also developed several orthopedic protocols and plastic surgical techniques within her specialties, frequently lectures on orthodontics, periodontics and dental implants both within the United States and around the world.

Dr. Makoto Satoh was appointed the Professor of Sleep Medicine and the Director of Sleep Center of University of Tsukuba in April 2005 and transferred to International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (IIIS: in April 2015. He received both his MD. and PhD from Niigata University School of Medicine. Since his involvement in research on breathing control began in the late 1980’s, Dr. Satoh’s interests have included the clinical and pathophysiological aspects of obstructive sleep apnea,its interaction with cardiovascular risk, as well as the mechanisms linking obesity to other disease.

Brad graduated from New York Medical College in 2000 with a master’s in physical therapy. In 2004, he completed a clinical doctorate in upper quarter & hand therapy from Drexel University. He is fellowship trained in Functional Manual Therapy through the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy. For the past 15 years he has worked collaboratively on the relationship between posture has airway, sleep, and recovery as it relates to overall health and well-being. Brad follows the combined approach of Functional Manual Therapy and the Postural Restoration Institute (PRI); treating movement dysfunction and postural awareness while integrating therapeutic modalities. He has studied in myofunctional therapy, osteopathic manipulation, fascial manipulation, behavioral breathing, and autonomic nervous system balancing.

Gabriele holds a degree in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and a Master’s degree in Science from the University of São Paulo’s Bauru School of Dentistry. She is currently a Ph.D. student at the same institution in the Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology graduate program. She is also a certified speech therapist in sleep medicine.

Dr. Dewald received her MD degree from Washington University School of Medicine and completed a combined internal medicine/pediatrics residency at the University of Illinois in Chicago. Inspired to understand why her toddler had severe OSA that did not respond to adenotonsillectomy, she trained in myofunctional therapy with Joy Moeller, and eventually left primary care to pursue sleep medicine research. She completed sleep medicine fellowship at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, and remains there on a research fellowship focusing on the neuromuscular patterns underlying OSA. Research goals are to improve OSA treatment and prevent development of OSA in the first place.

Camila de Castro Corrêa, Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP – University of São Paulo 2010), Master’s degree by University of São Paulo (2014), PhD by Botucatu Medical School – UNESP (2019) and Sapienza Università di Roma. Currently, she is an Professor University of Brasília (UnB) and Plateau University Center of the Federal District (UNIPLAN), Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil. She is author of several papers about orofacial motricity, sleep and telemedicine. She is certified in Speech-Language Pathology of Sleep Medicine by Brazilian Sleep Association (ABS), and she is a member of ABS Council.

Ms. Brigitte FUNG is the Senior Physiotherapist at Kwong Wah Hospital in Hong Kong. She was awarded the Master of Exercise and Nutrition Science at Chester University. She is also a Certified Lymphatic Drainage Therapist, Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist and Butekyo Practioner. She is accredited to use acupuncture in her practice. In 2016, she was awarded the AAMS Rising Star Researcher Award by the Academy of Applied Myofunctional Sciences for the recognition of the contribution to the evidence based practice of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy. She had participated in a number of research studies and position papers on myofunctional therapy.

In 1970, after graduating from Baylor College of Dentistry, Tom Colquitt, DDS began practicing in Shreveport, LA where he still maintains a private practice. His practice has expanded beyond Dentistry and “Dental Sleep Medicine” into reinventing a new multidisciplinary medical model focused on detecting and correcting dysfunctional breathing in patients of all ages. Dr. Colquitt has been addressing and studying nocturnal sleeping/bruxism issues since the 1970s and treating nocturnal breathing issues with oral appliances since the 1990s. Additionally, he has been an adjunct professor in the Sleep Fellowship Program at LSUHSC medical school in Shreveport, LA since 2007 where he presents airway from a dental prospective to departments of Sleep, Neurology, and Pediatrics annually.

Giacomo Begnoni obtained a degree in Dentistry from the University of Milan, Italy, in July 2011. At the same University he achieved his Specialization in Orthodontics in March 2015. From 2015 to 2018 he was a Research Fellow at the Department of Anatomy – University of Milan where he obtained his PhD in Oral Sciences in December 2018. Since January 2020 he is Clinical Coordinator at the Oral Health Science Department – Orthodontics of the University Hospitals Leuven – KU Leuven (Belgium). He focuses his research activity on morphological and functional traits in orthodontic patients.

After graduating from residency in an Otolaryngology-Head and Neck training program at the National Capital Consortium (Walter Reed National Military Medical Center), I went to Stanford University for two years. During the first year, I trained to perform maxillomandibular advancements, genioglossus advancements, as well as soft tissue surgeries in the head and neck region. During the second year, I trained as a sleep medicine fellow, and evaluated patients with insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome, sleep walking/talking, catathrenia, idiopathic hypersomnia, delayed sleep phase, circadian rhythm disorders, and other sleep behavioral disorders. Additionally, the sleep medicine year provided training in reading over 400 polysomnograms (diagnostic and titration studies) and over 40 multiple sleep latency tests.

Nikki has been a Pediatric ENT Consultant at Starship Children’s Hospital in New Zealand, specialising in paediatric airway and swallowing disorders for over 10 years. She has a particular clinical interest in supporting mothers and infants having difficulty breastfeeding. Nikki leads a Multidisciplinary Dysphagia clinic at Starship, working closely with Lactation Consultants, Speech-language pathologists and other medical subspecialties. She has 4 research publications relating to the functional anatomy of breastfeeding, as part of her recently completed PhD thesis on “The Functional Anatomy of Sucking and Swallowing in Breastfeeding Infants”.

Speech and Language Pathology – SLP, Master’s in Quality Management in Higher Education, Specialist in Clinical Auditing, Fellowship in the Orofacial Myology, dysphagia and Voice specializations at the CEFAC Saúde – Educação of São Paulo – Brazil. Full-time professor at the Speech and Language Pathology Department at the Universidad de Pamplona (Colombia) and co-founder of the Speech and Language Pathology program, the Human Communication research group, and the journal “Signos Fónicos” (Phonemic Signs). Speech and Language Pathology Doctorate student at the Universidad del Museo Social Argentino – UMSA, co-funded by the (Universidad de Pamplona). Researcher for the efficacy of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Chronic Snoring (co-funded by the Universidad de Pamplona).

Professor in Neurology and Director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Northwestern Universitys Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, Illinois, where she is also Associate Director of the Center for Sleep and Circadian Biology. Dr. Zee directs an interdisciplinary clinical and research program in sleep and circadian rhythms. Research topics in this Program range from basic animal studies to therapeutic clinical trials. Basic and clinical studies from her laboratory paved the way to novel treatments for disorders associated with sleep and circadian clock dysfunction. Her research has focused on the effects of age on sleep and circadian rhythms, genetic regulation of circadian sleep disorders, and behavioral interventions to improve sleep and performance. In addition, current NIH sponsored research include studies that examine the relationship between sleep and sleep disorders with metabolic and cardiovascular risk in populations at risk, such as older adults, and the effects of sleep disturbance on adverse pregnancy outcomes. Dr. Zee also has authored more than 100 peer reviewed original articles and over 40 chapters and reviews on the topics of sleep, circadian rhythms, and sleep/wake disorders.

Dr. Solveig Thorp Holmsen graduated from University of Oslo, Faculty of Medicine in 1997 and completed a Masters degree in Public Health in 1998. Since 2001 she started work in the Oslo Emergency Room at Oslo University Hospital and where she continues to work as a Consultant Doctor. Solveig wanted to offer better treatment to mothers suffering from lactational mastitis in her clinic and to work with the health system to prevent this condition among mothers. In 2011 she became a medical advisor in the Norwegian National Advisory Unit on Breastfeeding and she is currently specializing in community medicine. Her aim is at a National level to promote breastfeeding and to prevent onset of but also to consider treatment of lactational mastitis. She developing a knowledge based National guidance document on the diagnosis and treatment of tongue-tie for infants in Norway and received funding to carry out research in tongue-ties in Norwegian infants. She has been treating tongue tie in breastfeeding infants and children who have problems with eating for four years. During the Covid -19 pandemic she is working with infection control and prevention in a Oslo hospital.

Dr. Tony O’Connor is a general dentist working in Cork, Ireland. He graduated in 1979 with a B.Sc (Hons) in biochemistry, and with a B.D.S. (N.U.I.) in 1986. He has a very special interest in non-extraction orthodontics, functional jaw orthopaedics, and in early intervention treatments for children. Dr. O’ Connor has taken extensive post-graduate training in these fields over the past 25 years, and is happy to share his experiences.

Dr Sharona Dayan is a Harvard-trained, Board-certified periodontist practicing in Beverly Hills, Ca. She became a Doctor of Medical Sciences at Harvard where she studied the role of inflammatory cytokines in the development of oral cancer and periodontal disease. She completed the Airway Mini Residency with Drs Cruz and Raphael and more recently completed the Introduction to Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy with Joy Moeller and Samantha Weaver. She is dedicated to not just treating periodontal diseases but uncovering the root causes of the disease using a functional and integrative approach.

Steve Carstensen DDS has treated sleep apnea and snoring in Bellevue, WA since 1988. He’s the Consultant to the ADA for sleep related breathing disorders, has trained at UCLA’s Mini-Residency in Sleep and is a Diplomate of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine. He lectures internationally, directs sleep education at Airway Technologies and the Pankey Institute and is a guest lecturer at Spear Education, University of the Pacific and Louisiana State Dental Schools, in addition to advising several other sleep-related manufacturers. For the AADSM he was a Board Member, Secretary-Treasurer and President-Elect. From 2014 – 2019 he was Editor of Dental Sleep Practice Magazine. In 2019, Quintessence published A Clinician’s Handbook of Dental Sleep Medicine, written with a co-author.

Dr. Ramirez graduated in 1986, obtaining his DDS degree from the Javeriana University in Colombia. Afterwards, he completed a Pediatric Dentistry Diploma in Mexico. Dr. Ramirez interest includes guiding craniofacial growth and development in children. He trained in Orthodontics in Brazil, as well as completed a Master of Dental Sciences and Doctoral degree (PhD) in Oral Biology in Australia. He is a fellow of the Royal College of Dentist of Canada, and has his own practice in Aurora, Ontario. He is a fellow of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and the Royal College of Dentists of Canada, as well as a member of the Ontario Dental Association and the American and Canadian Academies of Paediatric Dentistry. He investigates on Craniofacial Growth and Development, the Patho- Physiology of Functional Disorders in the Cranio-Cervico-Mandibular system and how the craniofacial structures are modified by functional appliances.

Diana Grandi has a Master’s Degree in Bioethics and Law and a Bachelor’s Degree in Speech and Language Pathology. She was Vice-Dean of the Col·legi de Logopedes de Catalunya from 2001 to 2015. She has been President of the Second Ibero-American Symposium on Orofacial Motricity (II SIAMO) in Madrid, 2017. She is a founding member of the AAMS, and member of the Board of Directors of the AELFA-IF (Spanish Association of Speech Therapy, Phoniatrics and Audiology and Iberoamerican Speech Therapy). Currently, she is the Coordinator of the Master in Orofacial Motricity (UManresa – UVic-UCC) and a collaborating professor at the UIC Faculty of Dentistry (International University of Catalonia). She works as a Speech Therapist specializing in Myofunctional Therapy in Barcelona, in her private practice, at the Marcó Orthodontic Clinic, and in Dr. Albares Sleep Medicine at the Teknon Medical Center. She is the author of articles, book chapters and co-author of several interdisciplinary orofacial detection protocols.

Dr. Bronson graduated “Cum Laude” from Georgetown University School of Dentistry in 1983. With his 2 children has General Dental Practices in McLean and Charlottesville, Virginia, and a practice limited to ALF Orthodontics and TMD therapy in Santa Cruz, California. Dr. Bronson has published 3 articles on the “ALF Philosophy” and its benefits, there are currently 90 Dentists, and more than 50 affiliated healthcare professionals taking or have taken courses in the “ALF Philosophy” with the ALF Educational Institute, LLC.

Gill qualified as a nurse/health visitor in 1978, a midwife in 1989 and a lactation consultant (IBCLC) in 1994. She subsequently worked for several years with the UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative. Gill has a long-standing interest in the way in which complementary foods are introduced to infants. In 2002, while studying for her MSc, she pioneered the approach known as baby-led weaning (BLW). This concept has since spread rapidly around the globe, appealing to parents, researchers and practitioners from a range of disciplines. In 2015 Gill gained a PhD for research comparing spoon feeding with self-feeding. She now writes and lectures on this topic.

Brian Krohn is a passionate researcher and innovator with experience in renewable technology, mobile development, local food, and medical devices. He received a PhD in environmental science from the University of Minnesota as an EPA Fellow and master’s degrees from the University of Oxford in environmental policy and the philosophy of science as a Rhodes Scholar. He was an Innovation Fellow at the University of Minnesota’s Medical Device Center, where he worked on projects ranging from a new tool to assist neurosurgeons remove brain cancer to an app to improve sleep. He is currently the CEO of Soundly, an app-based therapy to reduce snoring (, an NIH and NSF funded technology and Entrepreneur in Residence at Modern Logic, an expert product development group.

Umesh Goswami is a pulmonary, critical and sleep medicine physician. His clinical expertise includes evaluation and management of various sleep disorders, use of advanced implantable devices for treatment of sleep related breathing disorders, management of end-stage lung disease and lung transplantation. He serves on the faculty in the department of medicine at the University of Minnesota medical school and is actively engaged in teaching and research activities. The focus of his research is innovative approaches for diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea including development of novel ways of delivering oropharyngeal exercises for upper airway muscle training. He has received research funding from the NSF, NIH and pharmaceutical and medical devices companies. He co-founded Soundly, with Brian Krohn.